How to make your team follow you?
As a budding manager, you might face many issues when making your team follow you. Just do not feel disheartened and follow the tips I am sharing with you, and you will have a happy team to work with.
Include them in decision making
One of the best ways to keep your team connected with you is to include them in the important things and let them be a part of the decision-making concept. Do not just impose the final decision on them but let them be a part of the planning process so they can be an active part of your team.
Customize approach
Let them take on the project and plan how the particular task can be done. This will help you out in getting different conclusions for a particular task. Who knows, your team might think something better than you were planning.
Appreciate them
Being a part of them is an emotional factor. Do not just limit your involvement with your team to work but also be their friend and share a good bond. Everyone has a different EQ, and getting to socialise will help you know your team better.
Personal touch
Some people work in an organization for years but are not connected with anyone. They come to work and go back home without getting to meet people. This will soon make you lose interest in the job. Hence you must connect with your team so their work becomes a second home.
Use data
Relate to what is being shared and connect with your team. Motivate them in the best manner so that they can open up with you and you can bring the best out of them.
To bridge the gap between the team and the leader, you need to be open with them. You must talk to them and share your thoughts with your team so they can understand your perspective, and you must follow them. Human beings love to communicate what they feel. It is always a good idea to take feedback and give them too. Let them plan out strategies and communicate the ideas that they think. Think of role plays that can engage them in activities.
If you want your team to grow and give you the best results, you need to become a part of them first. A manager must encourage and then give them feedback. Also, for a good team, there needs to be a balance so that you enjoy working even in a hybrid working environment. This will give your teammates the feeling of being valued.